
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Making It Back After Maternity Leave

Hey there, teacher mamas!

It's been awhile since I've posted. We are officially 5 months in to parenthood and I'm just now finding time to do things for myself again. :) There are piles of laundry and a sink of dirty dishes right now, but I've been anxious to sit down and finish up this post.

The first few days back at work, I'm sure my co-workers thought I was nuts. Some sweet soul would ask me how I was doing or ask about my little man, and I was too busy trying not to cry to give them much of an answer. I even put my hand up several times and answered, "We're not talking about it!!" Ha!!

Going back to work and finding a balance is hard. Leaving your sweet snuggly baby is even harder. If this is something you've been struggling with (or maybe it's in your future!) come on over and see if there's something that might help you. Click on any of the images in this post to take a peek!

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