
Sunday, January 26, 2014

3 Valentine's Day Freebies For YOU!

I'm looking out at what appears to be a blizzard. When will it end? I think we will have school off tomorrow for extreme cold. Again. I'm telling you, this doesn't happen. We never get days off due to weather in our district. Tomorrow will be day 4. . . this month!

Moving on, I have all of this extra time to plan, so I was printing my Valentine's activities. I LOVE HOLIDAYS! While printing, I came across some of my old V-Day freebies and I needed a new one. We are working on length in math, so I made some stuff for my kids. When I make stuff for my kiddos, YOU get it free! So, below you will find the aforementioned freebies. Enjoy and PLEASE leave feedback/pin if you like these!

Happy Sunday!


  1. Cute! We have tomorrow off too for the bitter cold temps- some schools have already decided for tomorrow AND Tuesday...Can't remember the temps being so crazy in MANY years- 20 years or so, maybe?

    Shar W

    1. I cannot remember! Outrageous! Thanks for the comment! :)

  2. Cute, cute, cute!! Thanks for sharing! Love them!

  3. It is unheard of for you MN people to be off in the winter! This weather is insane! Stay warm! Thanks for the freebies!

    Mrs. Wheeler's First Grade

    Mrs. Wheeler's TPT


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