
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Individual Behavior Charts

Happy Saturday everyone! For me, summertime is a time to catch up on old projects, finish up units, and "cutesify" random things. Every year I have at least one (if not more) students who needs that little bit of extra motivation to get through the day. I've learned over the years that I can't use the same thing every year. Why? Each student has different needs, different interests, different things that motivate them. I end up making each behavior sheet slightly (or very) different each year. I went back through my charts I've used over the years and added some borders and clip art. I thought now would be the perfect time to share them!

Here's a little peak:

You can download these here for free! All I ask is you follow our blog. :) Click here or on any picture to download. 

To see the full post explaining each one, come by my blog. Otherwise, just download your freebies! 


  1. I love your charts. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh....I could have SO used these last year! Saving them away (but in the hopes that I won't need them this year! bwahaha!) Thanks so much, Sarah!

    1. I hope you won't need them this year! You crack me up Brenda! :)


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